Previous parts number: 020278
- (FET rating)Maximum moment current (forward): 1,440A
- (FET rating) maximum continuous current (forward): 360A
- Corresponding motor: 10T or more
- Power: 4.8V ~ 7.4V (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH4 cell to 6 cell, Li-Po 2 cell, Li-Fe 2 cell)
- Dimensions: 25.7x26.2x12.9mm I (excluding protrusions)
- Weight: 11.2g (connector, except SW code)
- Setting: set by the push switch
- Drive frequency setting: 100HZ ~ 10KHz
- Load-sensing variable frequency (patent pending)
- Data logging function
- Serial communication function
- 30A slow blow type fuse included
- Brake enhancements (3 type selection)